Javascript is the lingua franca of the web. The only option for front end development for a long time, Node.js has brought it to relevance on the server side.
Modern web apps are expected to be:
We're ideally placed to provide objective and unbiased advice about whether Node.js is right for you and how to use it. We can help you design an architecture that may include node.
If you already use node, then we have the real-world experience to help you rapidly add features, scale your service across processes or machines, or interface to native libraries with C++ bindings.
Strider is an Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server - and it's written in node.js
These c++ bindings to the popular opencv library allow node to do advanced computer vision. They're widely used in conjunction with node-ar-drone to do real time imaging from quadrocopters.
A tolerant, minimal ical (RFC5545) parser, bringing calendaring to javascript.